WA Management unveils new ‘Hazard of the Month’
This week, WA Management unveiled its latest ‘Hazard of the Month’ for July: Dust. Each month, we take a scrutinising look at overlooked, misunderstood or topical areas of the Health and Safety sector. Through research blogs and targeted posts, the Hazard of the Month looks to illuminate the risks and how they can be mitigated. Make sure you follow our social media accounts to stay updated!
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‘Invisible Killer’ not be ignored, experts say
On Tuesday, we reported on an excellent article in SHPOnline, written by safety specialists ARCO, which discussed the hidden dangers of occupational skin cancer, caused by an overexposure to UV radiation. This gains greater pertinence as the temperature and sunlight hours increase during the summer. Simple risk mitigation strategies such as long-sleeve protective clothing and sunscreen protection can go a long way.
Read more about how you can protect yourself and others HERE
County Omagh company fined after employee death
On Tuesday, we also reported on a £150,000 fine issued by HSENI to Terex GB ltd after an investigation uncovered that a series of failures were responsible for the death of an employee. The employee sustained fatal crush injuries to his chest after the vehicle he was operating via a handheld controller unexpectedly veered towards him. The investigation highlighted how clearer safety procedures could have stopped the tragic accident.
Read more about the case HERE
HSE publishes provisional 2018/19 figures
This week also saw the release of figures by the HSE on work-related fatal injuries for the period April 2018 to March 2019. The figures conformed to the long-term reduction seen since the 1980s, but worryingly saw an overall increase in the number of fatal accidents. The figures also showed how 60% of all accidents were caused by three particular hazards: falls from height, being struck by a moving vehicle and being struck by a falling object.
Read more on the key statistics HERE
‘Forklift incidents on the rise’ says safety expert
Speaking this week at Safety and Health EXPO, Andy Cartwright of Mentor Forklift Training highlighted an increase in the number of forklift-related incidents across the UK in recent years. He cited that new workers, unfamiliar with both general and localised safety procedures could be undertaking unsafe work, which may account for the rise. Cartwright suggested that close supervision and stringent legislation could help to reduce the risks.
Read more HERE