Week commencing 22nd July – In the News

Health and safety concerns over heatwave

As we are certain you are aware, this week saw the UK reach record-breaking scorching temperatures. With increased temperature and sunlight exposure, many health and safety specialists took the opportunity to highlight some of the hazards of working in the heat. Ranging from suitable thermal comfort levels in offices to mitigating the dangers of UV radiation, strategies can be put in place to ensure that everyone enjoys the sun safely.

Read more from SHPOnline HERE:


NEW research blog from WA Management

In keeping with our Hazard of the Month for July, which is Dust, WA Management has been hard at work producing another informative yet accessible research blog. This week, we look at some of the overlooked physical hazards that are associated with dust, and the improper use of protective equipment. Make sure YOU give the blog a read if you or any of your employees are exposed to dust.

Click the link HERE for more


Huge fine after ‘wholly avoidable’ forklift death

This week, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) issued an enormous £200,000 fine to a Birmingham-based manufacturer after an employee sustained fatal injuries from a reversing forklift truck. The investigation concluded that there had been no measures put in place to segregate pedestrians from active machinery and vehicles, consequently leaving workers exposed and unprotected.

Read more on the tragic case HERE


Hayfever: health nuisance or safety risk?

In conjunction to the soaring temperatures, questions have this week been asked about how the adverse effects of hayfever can be mitigated in the workplace. The pollen allergy, whilst not immediately dangerous as an illness, can cause considerable nuisance to a sufferer, in turn decreasing motivation and productivity. Several articles have been written about how YOU, as an employer, can ensure that workers are comfortable in the summer.

Read more on hayfever, and how to alleviate symptoms, HERE


University students’ data stolen in phishing breach

Moving away from traditional health and safety cases, this week saw the unfortunate loss of several students’ personal data from the University of Lancaster. The University was targeted by a sustained and malicious phishing attack, during which a ‘a very small number’ of student records were accessed. The National Crime Agency (NCA) has since launched an investigation to find those culpable.



Read more on the case HERE

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