Managing Mental Health

Managing Mental Health

£23.40 (£19.50 ex VAT)

Managing Mental Health – Summary

The course reviews key content from the Mental Health Awareness eLearning course, for example, the mental health continuum and the management standards model, but expands further on how your organisation can put solid practices in place to promote positive mental health among employees and highlights the vital role line managers have in improving mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

  • Certification:- Managing Mental Health Training Certificate available immediately on successful completion of the course
  • Cost:- £19.50 + VAT
  • Duration:- Approximately 55 minutes
  • Format: Available online via desktop or tablet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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Managing Mental Health: – Course Overview

Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year. Line managers interact with and observe their team members daily. Therefore, they are well placed to notice and intervene if an employee is struggling with their mental health.

This online course for Managing Mental Health follows on from the Mental Health Awareness course and aims to equip line managers with the skills necessary to identify potential issues and support their team’s mental health. It includes guidance on:

  • How to identify signs that an employee may be struggling with their mental health.
  • How your organisation can develop plans and policies that promote positive mental health among employees.
  • The vital role line managers have in supporting their employees’ mental health.
  • The traits associated with effective line management which contribute to the positive mental health of their team members.
  • How line managers could approach a conversation with a team member about their mental health and what support they can provide.
  • How your organisation and line managers can comply with the law and promote equality in the workplace.

Managing Mental Health: – Suitable for

This online Managing Mental Health course is recommended for anyone in a Line Manager or Management role – anyone who is responsible for managing mental health in the workplace. The course provides practical tools to support their employees’ mental health whilst ensuring compliance with equality and discrimination laws.


If you are interested in this, check out our Mental Health Awareness Online Training Course as well!

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