Time Management Training Course

Time Management Training Course

£19.20 (£16.00 ex VAT)

Time Management – Summary

This online Time Management training course provides information on how to manage your time so you can achieve a better work-life balance. The time management techniques in this course range from getting organised, setting goals, prioritising, making to-do lists, creating a schedule and avoiding common time wasters.

  • Certification:- Time Management Training Certificate available immediately on successful completion of the course
  • Cost:- £16.00 + VAT
  • Duration:- 50 mins
  • Format: Available online via desktop or tablet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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Time Management Online Training Course

Time Management: – Course Overview

Why is time management important?

It is very easy to become distracted or overwhelmed with the amount of things to do in a day. Poor task management can prevent you from carrying out your job effectively, it can also have a negative impact on your mental and physical health with added stress and other issues.

Practical time management techniques can help manage these issues and are something that all employees can benefit from in order to be as proactive as possible whilst maintaining a work-life balance.

The course goes into detail on the importance of time management, time management techniques to achieve a better work-life balance, and the steps you can take to get organised, set goals and prioritise tasks.

It also covers:

  • How time management tools can improve your work-life balance and have a positive impact on decreasing stress in both your personal and professional life
  • How to manage time by adopting a positive mindset, organising efficiently and setting goals
  • How to create an effective to-do list, manage tasks and allocate priority in order to work

Time Management: – Suitable For

This course is designed for all employees who want to improve time management skills in order to achieve a better work-life balance and be more organised and efficient in their work.


If you are interested in this, check out our Stress Awareness Online Training Course as well!

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