Conflict Resolution Training Course

Conflict Resolution Training Course

£19.20 (£16.00 ex VAT)

Conflict Resolution – Summary

Conflict resolution is an important skill to have as an employee in order to have good teamwork and co-operation with your colleagues.  This conflict resolution training outlines various techniques to prevent conflict, including building your emotional intelligence (EI), managing emotions, building trust and respect, and communicating effectively to reduce misunderstandings. The course also advises the ways you can manage and resolve conflict if it does arise so you can effectively deal with challenging conversations, maintain relationships, increase productivity and achieve common goals.

  • Certification:- Conflict Resolution Training Certificate available immediately on successful completion of the course
  • Cost:- £16.00 + VAT
  • Duration:- 50 mins
  • Format: Available online via desktop or tablet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

If you would like a group discount please get in touch with us.

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Conflict Resolution Online Training Course

Conflict Resolution: – Course Overview

There will always be disagreements or problems in the workplace. But conflict rarely resolves itself, and it is not uncommon to see a minor issue escalate into a significant problem if not addressed early on. Unresolved conflict is a major driver of work-related stress. Although steps should be taken to prevent conflict from arising, it is possible to turn conflict into something positive if it is well-managed and resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Conflict can challenge assumptions and increase cooperation and innovation in the long term.

This conflict resolution course:

  • Explains what conflict is, the different stages of conflict, and what causes conflict.
  • Describes what emotional intelligence (EI) is and how building the four areas of EI can help prevent and resolve conflict.
  • Outlines different techniques to help you reflect on conflict and manage your emotions.
  • Details how you can build trust and respect and improve communication to prevent conflict and manage challenging situations.
  • Describes conflict management styles and how you and others can work towards a win-win solution.

Conflict Resolution: – Suitable for

This online Conflict Resolution training course is suitable for any employee in any type of organisation who wishes to work on how to manage and prevent conflict at work.

Please Note:

If this course is of interest, but you would like it specific to your company please get in touch!


If you are interested in this, check out our Communication Skills Online Training Course as well!

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