Security and Terror Alerts Training Course

Security and Terror Alerts Training Course

£21.00 (£17.50 ex VAT)

Security and Terror Alerts – Summary

Businesses cannot remove all the threats they may face, but they should possess a plan to protect their most valued assets and prepare their response to major disruptions.  A security plan should be informed, integrated and multi-layered.

The Security and Terror Alerts eLearning course outlines what to do when a threat is received. Users will learn what type of information should be taken from the call that will support a decision on whether to evacuate.

  • Certification:- Safe Guarding Training Certificate available immediately on successful completion of the course
  • Cost:- £17.50 + VAT
  • Duration:- 45 mins
  • Format: Available online via desktop or tablet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (immediately after purchase)

If you would like a group discount please get in touch with us.

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Security and Terror Alerts Online Training Course

Security and Terror Alerts: – Course Overview

Acts of terrorism are designed to create terror and panic, disrupt security and communication systems, destroy property and kill or injure innocent people.  A terrorist attack can happen anywhere at any time. This Security and Terror Alerts eLearning course helps users to be prepared and know what to do if a security threat occurs.

Completion of the Security and Terror Alerts course will explain:

  • The likely targets of security threats.
  • The motivation behind security threats.
  • The types of security threats.
  • What information is useful to help police and other authorities apprehend those who make threatening calls.
  • What to look out for if you receive suspicious packages in the post.
  • How to respond to suspicious parcels, luggage or vehicles in your workplace.
  • How evacuation for a security event might be different from evacuation for a fire.

Security and Terror Alerts: – Suitable For

The Security and Terror Alerts course is targeted at any individuals or organisations who feel their working environment could be at risk of a potential terrorist attack.  The course provides the knowledge to be able to prepare for and react appropriately to a potential security threat.


If you are interested in this, check out our Prevent Duty Online Training Course as well!

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