WA Management Shop - How to Access Your Course

How to access your course
Once you have purchased a training course from wamanagement.co.uk you will receive an email from startmycourse.com containing the course code you will need to access your course.
This email doesn’t look like our usual notifications. Please keep an eye out for an email from [email protected].

This email contains the unique course code you will need to access your course.
After the first paragraph, you will see your course(s) listed and a code alongside.
“Thank you for your order from WAManagement. These are the unique Course Codes for each course you purchased. Your learners can access the courses using these links and Course Codes.
Course Name Course Code”
Click on the course you wish to access to visit the training pages. You will need the unique code to enter on the training page.
If you have any problems please contact us.