Equality and Diversity Training Course

Equality and Diversity Training Course

£22.20 (£18.50 ex VAT)

Equality and Diversity – Summary

The Equality and Diversity eLearning course covers the importance of the Equality Act 2010 in the workplace and highlights the need to ensure that discriminatory practices are avoided, both through actions and words.

The course helps to promote a culture of workplace equality and diversity in which these behaviours are unacceptable, where individuals can feel confident to bring complaints without fear of reprisal and where complaints are taken seriously and dealt with promptly.

  • Certification:- Equality and Diversity Certificate available immediately on successful completion of the course
  • Cost:- £18.50 + VAT
  • Duration:- 60 mins
  • Format: Available online via desktop or tablet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (immediately after purchase)

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Equality and Diversity Online Training Course

Equality and Diversity: – Course Overview

A successful organisation is one that supports inclusivity, employing those with the right skills, ensuring that there is no discrimination and providing equal opportunity for the workforce. These responsibilities are captured in the Equality Act 2010, the primary legislation that protects people from discrimination both in the workplace and in wider society.

This online Equality and Diversity training explores:-

  • The meaning of equality and diversity in legal terms and within a practical environment.
  • The responsibilities of all employees in ensuring a discrimination free workplace.
  • The different protected classes as determined by the law.
  • The responsibilities as an employer in ensuring a policy is in place and actively followed.
  • What to do if employees feel they are being discriminated against or witness other discriminatory behaviours.

Equality and Diversity: – Suitable For

This Equality and Diversity training is perfect for all employees and managers who value equality and diversity and have responsibility for adhering to the Equality Act 2010.

Everyone, from part-time workers to managers and employers, has a responsibility to promote fairness and respect in the workplace. All businesses should work towards achieving a culture free of discrimination, harassment, victimisation and bullying, that focuses on equality, diversity and inclusion.

Please Note

WA Management can help with providing an Equality and Diversity Policy Statement if you get in touch!


If you are interested in this, check out our Disciplinary and Grievances Procedures Online Training Course as well!

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