Driving Safely Awareness Training Course

Driving Safely Awareness Training Course

£19.80 (£16.50 ex VAT)

Driving Safely Awareness – Summary

According to the Department of Transport, 1,713 people were killed in reported road traffic accidents in Great Britain in 2013, 2% (41) fewer than in 2012. This is the lowest number of fatalities since national records began in 1926. The total number of people killed in 2013 was 39% lower than the 2005-09 baseline average.

Our Driving Safely eLearning course aims to increase a user’s awareness of how their behaviour on the road can affect how safely they are driving.

  • Certification:- Driver Training Certificate available immediately on successful completion of the course
  • Cost:- £16.50 + VAT
  • Duration:- 40 mins
  • Format: Available online via desktop or tablet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (immediately after purchase)

If you would like a group discount please get in touch with us.

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Driving Safely Awareness Online Training Course

Driving Safely Awareness: – Course Overview

How can we drive safely?

Accidents happen due to inattention and distractions as well as failure to observe the rules of the road.

This driving safety awareness course is designed to increase awareness of how a user’s behaviour on the road can affect how safe a driver they are. The course covers:

  • Driver responsibilities while on the road and the importance of driving safely.
  • How Individual behaviour can cause road accidents.
  • The importance of reporting working related driving issues to your employer.
  • Observation and awareness while driving.
  • Driving techniques for specific types of road.
  • How weather conditions can affect personal safety on the road and how to overcome this.

Driving Safely Awareness: – Suitable For

This driver safety awareness course is of benefit to any individuals who drive within the UK as part of their job. The course allows users to evaluate themselves on their driving skills as well as providing them valuable information on vehicle maintenance and driving technique.

This could also be useful to anyone who regularly drives outside of work, or someone who wants a little more confidence when out on the road.

Please Note

This training focuses specifically on the driving laws within the United Kingdom and does not cover Ireland or elsewhere. If this training is required for a different country please get in touch.


If you are interested in this, check out our Environmental Awareness Online Training Course as well!

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