Health & Safety

Health and Safety Policy
Irrespective what industry you’re in, from construction and manufacturing to office work, if you have five or more staff in your company you must have a documented Health and Safety policy by law – and even if you have fewer than five members of staff, a Health and Safety policy is hugely beneficial for all companies.
What is a Health and Safety Policy?
A Health and Safety Policy should cover all aspects of the business, clearly setting out how you will manage health and safety within your business, and the roles and responsibilities within your team.
How can WA Management help?
Ensuring that all the relevant policies are documented in enough detail can be a time consuming and often daunting task. WA Management can offer a comprehensive bespoke Health and Safety Policy template, irrespective of your industry.
This will include a Health and Safety Policy Statement, something often required by customer Pre-Qualification Questionnaires, and Safety Schemes in Procurement in the construction industry.
The Health and Safety policy is continuously updated to reflect legislation changes and best practice and is reissued annually. The document covers a range of specific areas of work – including but not limited to:
- Policy Statements
- Individual responsibilities
- Safety Monitoring
- Training/Inductions
- Accident Reporting
- Health Surveillance
- Employee Well-Being Policy
- Use of Plant and Equipment
- Manual Handling
- Fire Safety
- Asbestos
- Electrical Safety
- Transport in the Workplace
The Health and Safety Policy comes either available as part of a bespoke monthly retainer or as project work chargeable at our hourly rate.