Health & Safety
12,000 Lung disease deaths each year are estimated to be linked to past exposures at work

Face Fit Testing
Many tasks involve hazards that require respiratory protection, such as: cutting and/or handling volatile substances, engaging in dust-producing works or working in confined spaces where oxygen levels could be low. RPE is designed to protect operatives from such hazards. Where RPE is used, it must be able to provide adequate protection for individual wearers. RPE can’t fully protect the wearer if it leaks. A major cause of leaks is poor fit – tight-fitting facepieces need to fit the wearer’s face to be effective. As people come in all sorts of shapes and sizes it is unlikely that one particular type or size of RPE facepiece will fit everyone. This is where Face Fit testing comes in; it will ensure that the equipment selected is suitable for the wearer.
A fit test should be carried out as part of the initial selection of the RPE but it should also be repeated whenever there is a change to the RPE type, size, model or material or whenever there is a change to the circumstances of the wearer that could alter the fit of the RPE; for example:
- weight loss or gain;
- substantial dental work;
- any facial changes (scars, moles, effects of ageing etc) around the face seal area;
- facial piercings;
- introduction or change in other head-worn personal protective equipment (PPE).
WA Management can carry out Qualitative Face Fit testing by our expertly trained and qualified Face Fit testers, who can do half-day testing for up to 10 tests at £350 +VAT or full-day testing for up to 20 tests at £625 +VAT. Individual testing can be carried out at our offices if needed for £40 +VAT. We can offer additional discounts for our retained customers!