About Us

William Whittaker
Job Title: Commercial Lead and Managing Director
Qualifications: BSc (Hons), MSc, MILT, CMIOSH, CQP MCQI
Year started at WA Management: 2007
Get To Know William!
How did you end up working at WA Management?
I initially had a stint at WA Management back in the 90’s as a student, earning beer money by copying manuals and writing reports before setting off to Cardiff University to study Supply Chain Management.
After a placement year, when I graduated, all fresh faced and ready to go, I joined what was then Exel Logistics, later to be DHL Exel Supply Chain, working in the automotive, manufacturing, construction and utilities markets.
Later on, in 2007, I joined WA Management as a Quality Consultant looking to grow the health and safety side of the business. Since then, I’ve achieved a distinction in my MSc in Occupational Health & Safety and the Environment from Greenwich University, chartered membership to the CQI (Chartered Quality Institute) and IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) – resulting in me becoming a registered consultant for both.
However, I don’t let my qualifications and experience get in the way of having a sense of humour! I also like to make sure that practical knowledge leads my methodology, providing clients with the correct solution to ensure work is undertaken as safely and efficiently as possible.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my wife & two boys, sailing my laser at Draycote Water Sailing Club, swimming training with Kenilworth Masters and when time allows, enjoying a beer or two with friends watching Worcestershire CCC and Aston Villa FC.